Team / Tricia Bieszki
Tricia Bieszki
- Market Research Associate
- Direct: (248) 359 0653
Tricia is responsible for researching and collecting market information regarding the commercial real estate market. She also continuously updates the 30+ competitor industrial market comparing their information with our in-house industrial database. Tricia’s primary focus is the industrial market where she receives daily updates from CoStar as well as daily competitor emails to help better her research.
In addition to these responsibilities Tricia handles our marketing materials inventory and our personalized company items (i.e., clothing, hats, duffels); as well as providing relief for our receptionist. Every day she also provides help to all departments concerning various administrative and research needs. In the nine years she has been working at Signature. Tricia has demonstrated a strong work ethic, a willing attitude, and a great team spirit.
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